I'm getting better with hand tools

hand cut boards

My skills are improving. These saw cuts were made by hand.

I am building a set of heavy-duty shelves to store file boxes. The shelves are 12.5" deep.

I cut each shelf to length using an 8 pt crosscut saw. I stayed very close to the line, but at the end of each cut, I got a little out of plumb. I cleaned up the cuts with a couple of passes of a jack plane.

When I stacked the shelves, I was astonished to see the ends lined up almost perfectly. My skills are improving!

If you are having trouble with a hand saw, keep practicing. Some day you will look down and say, “I can’t believe I just did that!”

Daddy,  Can We Play in the Workshop?

If hand tool woodworking is your passion, you may enjoy my children's book, Daddy, Can We Play in the Workshop?